Wednesday 21 January 2015


Each year we welcome a new intake of exec members, each with fantastic new ideas about how they can better promote their role, or inspiring and exciting opportunities to help the JCR body. This year is no different!

This years welfare officers, Katie and Adam organised a cool (quite literally!) trip to the newcastle outdoor ice rink, taking along a bunch of excited students who wanted a break from work!

Hats, gloves and scarves on, they set off on to the ice.

A few slips here or there, but none were caught on camera!

We are extremely lucky at Trevs to have such a community of caring individuals, who want to organise such fantastic events for their peers. People of all year-groups went along, meeting new people and generally having a lovely evening!

Here's to more welfare fun!...oh, and the new College sign (it's a hexagon if you can't tell!)

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